Star Fire

Star Fire

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About Game


Planet located at the southern end of the galaxy, Xetunia is ruled by an alien dictator, Tiger Z. Extremely militarized, few are brave enough to approach the hostile Xetunian orbit.


Far from the center of the Milky Way and little known to other populations, Neara is a planet inhabited by underdeveloped arachnoid aliens. Those creatures are extremely violent with strangers.


Extremely radioactive and with a strong magnetic field, Gorgorian swallows impetuously every distracted traveler who passes through its orbit. The planet's poisonous soil is home to deformed and aggressive creatures. The victims have little chance of survival.

Meet Our Team

Filipe Cócolo

Gamer and great enthusiast of electronic games since childhood. Responsible for implementing the Star Fire game programming.

Leonardo Teixeira

Project developer collaborator. Cooperated for the elaboration and development of the game's promotional website. Currently extremely engaged in learning about the Web and its technologies.

Lucas Braga

Passionate about games since was four years old, never stopped having ideas for game stories. Helped in the project as a digital artist.

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